Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Adam Sandler

I am a fan of Adam Sandler. I think he is really quite funny! Not only are his moovies funny, but his music is too! Actually i think i find his music more funny than his movies! CHeck him out atthis site!

Monday, April 23, 2007


I like alcohol..sometimes.Other times it when it makes people do stupid things. I hate when you get to that drunk state where you have absolutley no control of yourse;lf, and you only fnid out what you did the next from your friends..that really sucks. I hate howo you can only remember little snippets of the night. i hate how alcohol can turn people violent. Ive seen a few cases of violent drunks and the damage they can do.Its not pretty. Fighting for no reason is a common outcome. I have found guys are more prone to do this. I cant actually recal a time when i have seen two violent drunk chicks fighting (physically fighting that is. hmmm its interesting how alcohol affects different people in different ways..


Friday, April 20, 2007

Hey! Thought i would drop by and talk about volcanoes,another magnificant and fascinating form of disaster. How freaky is that movie dante's Peak! Its especially freaky when the old lady has to climb out of the boat and her legs get burned from the acid! Here is an informational site about volcanoes if anyone is interested!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Amandas Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANDA! today is amandas birthday. i cant beleive she is 19 already! i also really cant beleive she just had a baby!!! hope all goes well for you guys :)

birthday celebrations

Sunday, April 15, 2007


I am fasciunated by natural disasters. Actually i'm interested in any disaster, like terroist attacks and stuff aswell i guess, and air crash investigation and so on. Anyway but im really fascinated by natural disasters, tornadoes being one of them. I cant imagine what it would be like to be in one! well i can try but imagine living in a place like America, especially tornado alley, how freaky! Ive been looking them up on google and found this site about tornadoes!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Milo is like the best drink ever! actually no breaka beats milo. There are so many people i know who just love milo. its sooo good! Not only can you have it with nilk, but it is also great with icecream. So great that they even made a milo icecream (the ones in the cups, they're green) and even sell itat Mcdonalds! For anyone who had nothing better to do check this out!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Morgan & The Who

Morgan is obsessed with "The Who" He is watching the DVD of one of their concerts as i type this. i can hear is playing! He has that song "Who Are You" as his myspace song. He is always singing it! He wa stelling me about their history before. For those of you who are interested, They started performing in 1961 and were known as "The High Numbers"..They became "The Who" in 1964. He has also told me how Bruce is a big fan of them also!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I find tsunamis extremely fascinating.its amazing to think how much damage water can actaully do! Water is like the most powerful thing! we need it to survive, but it can also kill us. i'm in one of those weird moods when i find simple things really fascianting! check thistsunami pic out!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Missy Higgins

Hey, im a fan of missy higgins and have been waiting for her new album to come out. All i knew was that it was coming out in april. i finally decided to look up the date which it will be coming out and foiund out it will be saturday the 28th of april! its called out of a clear sky, or something like tht, i kind of forget but if you want to check it out go to this site!!

Saturday, April 7, 2007


im sitting here really bored right now. i have had a pretty good holiday, but these last few days are going really slowly. im looking forward to goign back to uni life, minus the assignments, but i guess it has to be done. what have you been up to these holidays????

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Old Man

I sit here looking at the computer, but out the corner of my eye i see an old man. ok now i'm looking at him, spying on him i guess. He was just looking at my nannas car, like studying it. now he has turned around and is staring at the house across the road. He looks lost. ok now he is walking slowly over to the other house. seriously i think he has dementure or something?

Monday, April 2, 2007


Im sitting here quite bored, and wanting to add something to my blog. Im drinking this chocolate breaka (flavoured milk if you didnt know) and decided to research it-yes i am really bored. i disocvered that you can actually get 'lite' breaka milk, but only in chocolate and iced coffee flavour. i also discovered that breaka was first launched in 1978 and is most popular in queensland!,yes exciting stuff. i really like breaka it tastes good.