Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Work in this subject

The subject has been quite challenging for me. I have only just started to get the hang of the Blogger site fully. At first I didn’t understand what a blog actually was. I had a bit of an idea but wasn’t positive. I didn’t know blogs and posts were two different things. I used the blogger account to express thoughts on a number of different things. At first I had no idea what to write about so just went with the idea of flickr, and delicious and then movies. As I got used to the blogspot I became more confident and started researching the net to find interesting topics to write about. I have a fascination with natural disasters, so I wrote quite a bit about different ones. I have also written about artists I admire. These include Missy Higgins and Adam Sandler. This blog is really just full of random things, but it’s good to be able to express my thoughts on them.

Flickr has been very useful for me. I have used flickr to upload photos not only for this assignment but for leisure also. My friend from home and I now use flickr to show each other photos. I’ve uploaded a few different types of photos. There are a few landscape ones, animal ones and some which have been the result of mucking around on PhotoBooth on my computer.

The delicious account has been a useful tool to me. I often use delicious to look up things, for example natural disasters. I find it interesting to look at other peoples bookmarks aswell. I have bookmarked sites, which I find useful and some which I just find interesting. Examples of sites I have bookmarked, which I find interesting are the ones about natural disasters. Delicious has allowed me to quickly access these sites.

I beleive each of these accounts show a level of "interestingness". Not everyone will agree that they are interesing, but for those who are as fascinated as i am about natural disasters, are a fan of Missy Higgins, enojy looking at photos of cool landscapes will find my accounts interesting.


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