Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Assessment 2

I beleive my delicious, flickr and blogger accounts all show evidence of interestingness and are aesthetically pleasing.

Blogger- My blog includes posts about all sorts of things..most of whihc are random. For example this post about alcohol. Now this post may be completely boring to someone, but may alos be completly interesting to others. The aesthetics of this posts are quite good i beleive. The picture which has been inserted to the top left adds alot to the aesthetics of this particular post. I belive all posts with pictures look alot better than those without. Here is an example of a post without a picture. The difference between the two are very noticable, i beleive. Thats the thing, aesthetics, like interestingness, is purely subjective. What one may find extremely attractive, another may not. I do belive this blog is aesthetically pleasing though.

Flickr- My Flickr account includes pictures, thta i believe people who dont assoicate with the poeple in them will find aesthetically pleasing and interesting. For example i have included a couple of pictures, which i find amusing, and would expect others to aswell. These can be found here.These can be found here.

I have also included pictures of landscapes, whihc i belive most others will find aestehtically pleasing. These can be found here.

Other pictures i think others will find interetsing and aesthetcally pleasing

Delicious- My delicious account includes a range of different websites. Like my blogger account, alot of the sites postes are random. An example of an interesting and aesthetically pleasing site i have potsed includes this site (Funny Stuff

I belive all my accounts have aesthtically pleasing qualities, as well as interestingness. I believe the fonts and colours i used are attractive..i picked random colours, whihc i thought worked well. The font i randomly chose also, but i do beleive it wokrs well in this blog.

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